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The history of the school

The World Congress of Jiu-Jitsu in 1989, Spain. The leading masters of Jiu-Jitsu from UK, SSSR (I. Linder), Australia, Spain, Italy are at the photo I.Linder (SSSR) with  Jonathan Stuart (USA) Japan. Tokyo, Iokagama, Kamakura, Osaka. A course leading by I.Linder in different clubs and federations for the members of Jiu-Jitsu, Akido, Aki-Jitsu, Karate
Japan. Tokyo, Iokagama, Kamakura, Osaka. A course leading by I.Linder in different clubs and federations for the members of Jiu-Jitsu, Akido, Aki-Jitsu, Karate I.Linader with Parker. UK Japan. Tokyo, Iokagama, Kamakura, Osaka. A course leading by I.Linder in different clubs and federations for the members of Jiu-Jitsu, Akido, Aki-Jitsu, Karate
Japan. Tokyo, Iokagama, Kamakura, Osaka. A course leading by I.Linder in different clubs and federations for the members of Jiu-Jitsu, Akido, Aki-Jitsu, Karate Japan. Tokyo, Iokagama, Kamakura, Osaka. A course leading by I.Linder in different clubs and federations for the members of Jiu-Jitsu, Akido, Aki-Jitsu, Karate The confirmation of the 8dan-exam at I.Linder's seminar at the 'Hatchimangy' temple, Kamakura
10. Tanaka sensei and I.Linder at the entrance of  'Hatchimangy' temple, Kamakura I.Linder  at the  World Institute of  Judo Kodokan, Tokio I.Linder with his assistant at the 'Siorindzi Kempo Karate' federation's seminar
The confirmation of the 8dan-exam at I.Linder's seminar at the 'Hatchimangy' temple, Kamakura 14. The Universal Seminar of Jiu-Jitsu. I.Linder, Alan Sali, Peter Smirnov, Kelemen Ishtvan Japan. Tokyo, Iokagama, Kamakura, Osaka. A course leading by I.Linder in different clubs and federations for the members of Jiu-Jitsu, Akido, Aki-Jitsu, Karate
I.Linder with Takeda sensei - the president of  'Senan-Aikibudo' Vadokay, Norino  and I.Linder Ono sensei and I.Linder are at the  common seminar, МГУ
A group of students of I.Linder, Iokogama Japan. Tokyo, Iokagama, Kamakura, Osaka. A course leading by I.Linder in different clubs and federations for the members of Jiu-Jitsu, Akido, Aki-Jitsu, Karate

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