Международная Контртеррористическая Тренинговая Ассоциация  
International Counter Terror Training Association
Die Internationale Konterterroristische Trainings-Assoziation
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LICENSE № 165973
is issued to non State educational facility
Educating Center "Security Concept" of
International Counter Terror Training Association
Registered number 220 of May 28, 1999.
License Validity up to 01.06.2004

ICTTA programmes include for training of various categories of personnel:

    1. Body-guards:
    1. 1. Raising qualification and refresher courses in a broad range of aspects for top-level management.
    1. 2. Raising qualification and refresher courses in broad range of aspects for mid dle-level management.
    1. 3. Raising qualification and refresher courses for groups and shifts chiefs and leaders of minor units.
    1. 4. Training new employees and primary groups.
    1. 5. Raising qualification and refresher courses for employees having working experience in the field of security.
    2. Prompt response groups.
    3. Guards of objects.
    4. Cash collectors (specialization depends on the organizational structure and status of organizations).
    5. Drivers of special transport.
    6. The teaching staff and instructors of the public and specialized educational institutions, training centers, educational centers, as well as teachers and instructors within services and units (acting instructor staff).

    Специальный тренинг сотрудников охраны предприятия: личной, офисной и объектовой, инкассации, групп сопровождения грузов

    7. Referents, secretaries, assistant administrators courier services staff.
    8. Managers of security services in companies.
    9. Jornalists and other mass media specialist, working in hot spots and in other higher risk regions.
    10. Individual training of VIPs and members of their families in a wide range of subjects in order to ensure their own security.

The Programmes are compiled on a cycle (series) basis, where certain parts (themes) of the curriculum (any theme) may possibly be extended or shortened.

The Programmes are implemented:

  • In block courses (from 5 days to 12 weeks), with step-by-step training of a course programme, and stage and final testing.
  • In current regime (subscription for 6 to 12 months training period) with intermediate and stage testing at each stage and at the end of a course, as well as with day-to-day monitoring.

    Principal blocks of the curriculum:

      1. Estimation of the hazard of risk. Kinds of threats.
      2. Fundamentals of professional activities of security personnel.
      3. Staff and situational training in the basic types of threats and alerts.
      4. Informational protection.
      5. Informational and analytical insurance of tactical activities.
      6. Special and operational psychology.
      7. Legal training.
      8. Open and close guarding systems.
      9. Protocol and ethics of body guarding.
      10. Basic types of escorting. Technique and tactics of escorting with basic means of transport.
      11. Communication and eguipment of bodyguard units.
      12. Organization of guarding the principal object, routes, places of temporal and permanent residence, during internal and external trips, during holidays and at mass and episodic actions,etc.
      13. Principal tactical methods of quard activities in disclosing, preventing and suppressing unlawful actions against the quarded persons.
      14. Tactics of activities in extreme cases.
      15. Weapons culture. Basic and tactical types of fire training.

      Специальная огневая подготовка

      16. Principal methods of fire suppression.
      17. Individual and micro-group fire training.
      18. Tactical and group methods of fire suppression. Combat co-operation between several micro-groups in action.
      19. Shooting from means of transportation.
      20. Situational training in the principal kinds of fire suppression depending on the tactics applied and the armament used.
      21. Specialized methods of fire training.
      22. System of close short distance interaction in action with or without armament. C.Q.B.
      23. Hardware for ensuring security.
      24. Situational and tactical training using paint-ball equipment and training imitation weapons.
      25. Special driving course.
      26. Specialized training for acting on the routes and in the city.

    Sports activity of ICTTA

    International Martial Arts Union
    Holding of regional studying and pass seminars on traditional classic and applied fighting arts.

    Russia, 125167, Moscow, P.O.Box 15 ICTTA
    Marina U. Pokidaeva — Cordinator of Training and Academic Programs, Master of Business Administration
    phone: +7 916 641-99-11
    E-mail: academy@ictta.ru, info@ictta.ru, training@ictta.ru, imau.sport@ictta.ru
  •   © 2001 — 2025 «ICTTA»
    The legal information
    Рейтинг@Mail.ru Яндекс цитирования Rambler's Top100