Международная Контртеррористическая Тренинговая Ассоциация  
International Counter Terror Training Association
Die Internationale Konterterroristische Trainings-Assoziation
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The academic programs

established in 1968 and was granted state a accreditation; educational activities performed in accordance
with state licence № 24G-1721, dated 01.03.2002

Business administration and corporate security department

Specialization "Organization of Security Systems" (legal, commercial, administrative, manpower, corporate, personal security, etc.).

RUSSIAN STATE INSTITUTE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (RSIIP)1. State RSIIP diploma of complementary (second higher) education on on the basis of education. Qualification:
Organnization of Security Systems". Course takes 2 years.
2. State RSIIP diploma of vocational training on the basic of secondary/specialized secondary education with specialization in the field of security. Course takes 2 years.
3. State RSIIP diploma of higher legal or economic education with specialization in the field of security. Course takes 5 years. Successful graduates alongside with state diploma acquire International AIBC diploma, duly attested and certified in compliance with the Hague Convention of 05.10.1961. All Academic programmes are compiled on a cycle (series) basis, where some parts of the curriculum (any theme) may possibly be extended or shortened depending on selected specialization. Corporate clients and task groups may choose individual plan of specialization studies. This specific curriculum may be fulfilled internally, externally (by correspondence) or through remote training.

Basic aspects of the curriculum

    Basic aspects of the curriculum1. Security as a system.
    2. Legal aspects of security system.
    3. Fundamentals of economic security of an enterprise.
    4. Information and analytical provision of activities of security services in non-state structures.
    5. Personal security in business.
    6. Technical facilities of pioviding security.
    7. Fundamentals of personnel management.
    8. Competitive (corporate) intelligence.
    9. Personnel concept of security.
    10. Psychology in security system.
    11. Security of intellectual property.
    12. System of institution and personnel management in extreme cases.

We actively apply:

    - Situational staff and practical trainings
    - Two-way seminars
    - Examination and test programmes
    - Practical training classes on the basic aspects of the curriculum at the Departments of the Faculty and the collective members of ICTTA

Post-graduate course, magistracy, doctoral course

Post-graduate course, magistracy, doctoral courseFor those wishing to continue their specialized education we offer an individual programme of post-graduate training and further maintaining of a thesis in various spheres of security. Qualifications:
22.00.08 - "Sociology of Management (RSIIP) and 1208-mow "Business Administration and Corporate Security" (AIBC).

Remote multilevel training for the qualification of "Expert in business administration in the field of security" with a broad range of specializations

1. International diploma of AIBC - the Bachelors degree (BBA). Course takes from 1 to 1,5 years.

2. International diploma of AIBC - the Master`s degree (MBA). Course takes from 1,5 5 to 2 years.

3. International diploma of AIBC - the Doctor`s degree (DBA). Course lakes from 2,5 to 3 years

Within the academic programmes ICTTA runs at RSIIP and AIBS premises specialized conferences, seminars, specialized training courses in a brood range of security aspects tor various categories of students. Courses lake from 3 to 15 days. Customers demands are taken into account when compiling Programmes of specialized training The graduates of courses acquire international certificates or diplomas.

Russia, 125167, Moscow, P.O.Box 15 ICTTA
Marina U. Pokidaeva — Cordinator of Training and Academic Programs, Master of Business Administration
phone: +7 916 641-99-11
E-mail: academy@ictta.ru, info@ictta.ru, training@ictta.ru, imau.sport@ictta.ru
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